bumatwalmart: hello I am a student and I work for UTH
Core teacher (math, Lang arts, etc): Really wow! Why would they
want to interview me?
bumatwalmart: because everyone hates core teachers
Core teacher: Oh, I thought that all my kids just loved me
bumatwalmart: Ahh well no every kid hates their teachers
Core teacher: Oh...
bumatwalmart: So do you think your kids pay attention during class?
Core teacher: Yeah My teaching skills make it so all kids love my class!
Bumatwalmart (walks to the side and talks with nascarman005): This is sad
lets go interview another type of teacher
Bumatwalmart: So do you think that kids take your class seriously?
elective teacher ( art, woodshop, etc): Ha Ha I wish no one ever pays
attention in my class, Hell if I was in this class i would hate my
Bumatwalmart: Yeah most people hate you
Elective teacher: Great that means I'm doing my job
Bumatwalmart: So why do you always put the hottest girls up front?
Elective teacher: Well I want the kids to at least look at the front of
the room
Bumatwalmart: okay... Do you care if your kids sleep during your lectures
Elective teacher: Lectures? what Lectures? I'm a frickin' elective teacher
for crying out loud! My job is a joke
Bumatwalmart: Wait one second, You get paid just to come to
school and have 20 minutes of free time at the begging and then 5 minutes of you
talking then 20 more minuets at the end?
Elective teacher: Well you could put it that way, yeah that's what it
takes to be an elective teacher. But the best part is that on Mondays I
get some pot head to do my work. Student teachers what a joke.
(Shows the picture of the pot head to me)
Bumatwalmart: Oh my I recognize that guy we did an interview on him a
while back.
Elective teacher: Yeah that's the only way things really get done... wait
crap i got to go teach this useless class. (walks to the front of the
class) Ok kids now here's a work sheet that is due at the end of class you
have 30 minutes to work on it. Hand it in when your done.
Kid: Hey teacher I did this in 3rd grade
Elective teacher: Ok... Well... Fine here's the plan when your done
with the worksheet put it on my desk then hmm... you can leave.
Bumatwalmart: And there you go the difference between a core teacher and a
simple elective teacher.