You know your fat...
When in an elevator you tuch all the walls
When in your car you have to find another road when it says weight limit 4
When your breakfast is everyone's food for the day
When you look down and you cant see your feet
When you sit in a chair and you cant get up
When you win the McDonalds best costumer awards
When it takes you 10 seconds to lose your breath when you start to run
When you dive into a pool and all the water splashes out
When your ass cheek takes up a whole chair
When you have to order 2 chairs on the airplane
When you sink in water
When your job is a bus driver
When you were swimming in the ocean and someone harpooned you and said I got
the big one
When you have more jelly rolls then a bakery
When you work as a steam roller no not the rider you are the steam roller
When you fall down and you caused an earthquake
When you get shot and you say ha ha it didn't even go through my flab
When you play catch you don't even have to use your hands it bounces off your